Sunday, July 8, 2007

Irresponsible fiscal management

Sent February, 2005

I am missing something here. President Bush said his budget will have a larger deficit than last years record deficit. Then he said he is on track to cut the deficit in half. He followed that with his proposal to barrow several trillion dollars for privatization of Social Security. Then it turns out that the President low balled the estimated cost of the Medicare prescription drug benefits. Now he is proposing to cut taxes. There is no sagacity here, only reckless and irresponsible fiscal management.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Yearning for change

Sent June, 2007

In the 2006 election Americans said they want change. The President stubbornly refuses to change and Congress’s actions are thwarted. The Senate Republicans vote not to vote using the cloture rule. When a bill to stop the war or to advance medicine passes both the House and Senate, Bush vetoes it. When the Attorney General politizes the Justice Department, Bush says, “heck of a job.” Congress issues subpoenas and Bush says, “it’s my way or the highway.” The Vice President uses tortured logic to keep his secrets secret from those who are responsible for protecting secrets. The 2008 elections are the only hope for restarting the democratic process that has been wrecked during the last six years.